FFR_Classic.wmvFor those of you who don't know, Flash Flash Revolution (FFR) is a flash spin-off of Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) and if you don't know what that is, why would you be watching this? With FFR, much like some songs on Stepmania, you use the arrow keys instead of a dancing pad. I first started playing FFR about 2 1/2 years ago. I remember the first time I went to a song where there were so many arrows that they piled on top of each other. I thought to myself how I would never be able to move my fingers fast enough to hit them... and so far I'm right. Through tons of practice I've learned to avoid what I think is called "spamming the keys" to kinda of cheat my way through the more difficult songs. Although I can't keep up with the arrows in actuality, I've learned to guess where they will be by looking ahead. Sometimes, they appear in a pattern and I don't even need to think, just move my fingers to match the pattern. I make educational guesses whose educational value is inversely proportional to the number of arrows appearing on the screen at once. I dunno if that counts as spamming, but I certainly don't mindlessly smash keys as fast as I can... that is unless I'm desperate... This video is a recording of me playing through some FFR in the Classic section, which is filled by classic pieces by musicians such as Beethoven and Chopin or remixes of those classics. The very last song in this video I did blind. The only reason the song was pre-loaded when I selected it was due to the fact I had tried it once before and lost in about five seconds because I was overwhelmed. I cut that bit and left in the bit where I knew what was coming. It's still pretty dodgy all the way through. I really didn't know my fingers could move that quickly. My voice is not included because I thought it would take away from the music.