How to Pack Moving Boxes in 5 Steps, Big Apple Boxes
Packing Boxes the right way is important not only for being able to quickly and easily move out, but it will also help you easily move in to your new place. Here are a few quick pointers on Packing Boxes:
Boxes should always be arranged by their destination room, and should be clearly labeled with a marker.
Moving Boxes should be packed with heavier items in the bottom of the boxes, and lighter items in the top.
Box Padding and Insulation, such as Bubble Wrap and Inkless Packing Paper, should be used to keep fragile items safely in place during transportation.
Also, when packing your belongings into Moving Boxes, it essential that you use moving tape to securely seal the boxes. Given a load of heavy items such as books or metal objects, even the sturdiest moving boxes might break through the bottom if not secured with Packing Tape. Many consider it to be the most important Moving Supply (Besides the Boxes of Course).