FREE HABBO CREDITS AND FREE NX CASH FOLLOW SIMPLE STEPS PRIZES FURNI WRATH OF LICH KING**If you wish to read this instead of viewing the video, the text is posted in the video description**
Just to make this very clear and why this is not a scam, hack, h4ckz0r, w/e…
The site that I am promoting and USING myself is Prizerebel.
I DO NOT own this site, I USE IT, I emphasize the word USE.
Myself nor Prizerebel are NOT asking for you to send a Username, password, or to change your e-mail.
It is based on surveys and recruiting people to attain points. That’s it.
So plllleeeaaaaaaaaaseee don’t start commenting on the video saying “Omgz is such a scamz” because it’s not and I don’t care. The people who post that are idiots and have obviously not taken a look at the site.
That out of the way, here it is: