Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day (VS Ninja Day)http://twitter.com/samproof
Ahoy Lads! In honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day I'm providing you with a some typical Pirate quotes!
The Five A's and A few more
Avast! - "Hey Dudes Check this out, now!"
Aye! - "Whoa dude, you're way right about that."
Aye aye! - "Oh Snap man, I'm on it!"
Arrr! - This can mean both yes and no, I like an I dislike... It's kind of like Aloha but way better and more all encompassing.
Walk the Plank - "Hey Dude, you kind of suck. Shove off"
Land Lubber - "You're not from around here"
Grog - "booooooooze!"
Kayne pic by http://www.flickr.com/photos/infomofo/
Kanye pic used under terms of CC License