.IN.HOC.SIGNO.VINCES. ↑ The Dance of the Sharp-Clawed Swastikas India! "The Dance of the Sharp-Clawed Swastikas" by Azsacra & Kotsya. Mantra of Silence by Azsacra Zarathustra. These are dancing (as Shiva!) sharp-clawed Swastikas: they are in continuous movement of Force up↑ and down↓ and extensively ... in all sides [ϟ] The New Global Geometry of Power to Light on the Strength of a holy Yes to Life [↑] "In this sign you will conquer" [↑] Caution! Not the Overman as a Singular Man or over-Man, but: the Over Without a 'man' - here all Truth and all Futurity of Will to Power. Over-Caution! Not beyond Good and Evil, but: Beyond the beyond and Upward [↑] Beyond all forms, and no forms - here the Over-Revaluation of all values as the Greatest Destruction (first of all!) of all of 'the revaluations of all values' right up to Nothing/Shunya to Power [ϟ] Shunya-Revolution [↑] Our line of sight of the Revolution: One must learn to ride the dragons ↓ Dragons of Horror kill dragons of fear ↓ The Revolution from within ↓ ... Beyond the beyond and Upward ↑ Beyond all forms, and no forms ϟ To think about Shunya only with the help of Lightnings ϟ ϟ ϟ ϟ केवल ▬► बिजली के लिए विल ! केवल ▬► शून्य क्रांति !! केवल ▬► निरपेक्ष क्रांति !!! जय निरपेक्ष क्रांति !!!! स्वास्तिक की गति। स्वस्तिक की खड़ी रेखा स्वयंभू ज्योतिर्लिंग का संकेत देती है। आड़ी रेखा विश्व के विस्तार को बताती है। स्वस्तिक गणपति का भी प्रतीक है।