Gain Fanatic Mandy Moore Talks of Love at First SniffDo you remember your first time? That is, the first time you fell in love with the scent of Gain. Valentine's Day is near, love is in the air and it's the perfect time to reflect on the moment you fell in love...with Gain. Recording artist, actress and self-proclaimed Gain fanatic, Mandy Moore, is sharing with America the story of when she first fell in love with the scent, and asking scent lovers to share their own Gain "Love at First Sniff" stories. If you haven't experienced it for yourself, then join the movement and open up a bottle of Gain because it only takes one sniff to fall in love with its scent.
"It's exciting for me that there are so many people who love the fresh scent of Gain as much as I do. I will never forget the first time I fell in love with Gain, I was on the road and the moment I smelled it I was instantly transported back to being with my best friend in my home away from home," said Moore.
Scent lovers can embrace the sentiment of the season by sharing their personal stories ...