9/15 gang stalking targeted individual 集団ストーカーscene1 Fire trucks appear in front of me, wherever I go.
scene2 Announce say 'attention'.
scene3 Garbage cars appear wherever I go.
scene4 Announce say 'attention'.
THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.
The people in front of me have no malice definitely.
THEY set up timing.
シーン1 どこに行っても消防車が現れます。
シーン2 駅で、注意しろ、とアナウンスが流れます。
シーン3 どこに行っても清掃車が現れます。
シーン4 路上で、注意しろ、とアナウンスが流れます。
I want to help each other.
Email me if you are a victim.
I'll end this crime.