This happens when you loose a futbol soccer bet, and then you have to pay. Our buddy Jalisco had to wear a Dress and walk around the store.
Esto pasa cuando pierdes una apuesta en el clasico de america chivas, y nuestro compa Jalisco perdio, el trato fue pasearse por la tienda vistiendo ropa de mujer. with Clark Saturn Today?s topics: Instant Messaging with multiple platforms: AdiumX, ,Gaim, ,Trillian. Tao Te Ching #65 (only 16 left!!), Dance Party. Have a great Weekend! Click here for video. [ QuickTime ]
Watch the video with Clark Saturn? Cucumber, Rice vinegar, sesame seeds. Tao Te Ching #59 that?s all really. Well, wait, I just reposted this because it got thrown off by my inclusion of a DJ [...]
Click to Play with Clark Saturn celebrating 1 year "on the air" so to speak? starting with an audition I did for Rocketboom?s "weather guy", I got interested in vlogging?. 17 May 2005-17 May 2006. Also celebrating Norwegian 17. Mai day, reading the Tao Te Ching, and giving away things to ZZZ viewers. Music in [...]
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Stichtingen Bellamy en Sociale Databank Nederland hielden afgelopen zondag een persconferentie in hotel De Witte Bergen te Eemnes (Laren). Behalve de redactie van deze courant was er afgelopen zondag werkelijk geen journalist te bekennen. De uitgenodigde pers vond onderstaande onderwerpen blijkbaar niet interessant. Meer op
Videoverslag van de verkiezingsoverwinning van de SP tijdens de Provinciale Staten-verkiezingen van 7 maart 2007
Deze video is op dvd te bestellen via
song: kono te no naka ni - recorded as Track 2 in their single "Realize" By Lucifer. vocal: makoto, guitar: yuki and atsuro, bass: towa, drums: santa (Lucifer disband in 2003). Please kindly take note: Sorry abt this but do not ask me requests for just the songs. Please kindly make do with the videos. Thank you.
Ramon Ohmes
Leiter Bankhaus Julius Bär Düsseldorf
Die Julius Bär Gruppe ist der gröÃte reine Vermögensverwalter der Schweiz. Seit einiger Zeit wird eine Zweigstelle in Düsseldorf unterhalten. Von hier aus werden wichtige operative Aktivitäten für viele bundesdeutsche Anleger betrieben. Was macht eine Schweizer Bank in unserem Bundesland, bei all er einheimischen Konkurrenz so attraktiv?