Bulent yildirim spoken in gazaHumanitarian assistance to Gaza as IHH Foundation have sent aid to organize itself under heavy bombardment of the General President Bülent Yñldñrñm, a large rally held in Gaza in the Gaza was called.
Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan in Davos of the tensions experienced by Israel's then Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan Simon Perez to thank and support to Friday prayers in Gaza, following a demonstration was held.
Thousands of people attended a talk show, the General President Bulent Yildirim, the Turkish people as we always will be next to the American people, he said. Speaking to the "Brothers and Sisters, brought greetings Selahaddinlere Abdulhamid. Abdulhamid in Turkey has 70 million. All of them on your side. Zafer you are blessed." words that begin Yñldñrñm, speaking of the "O children of heaven I'm calling you. You're not alone, we love you. Now came the order to lift the embargo." continued in the form. Then the leaders of the Islamic world, also called the Yñldñrñm, all ...