PNME3203_Part1H_KentNicholsDouglasSarine_AskANinjaTheRiseOfTheVideoBloggingPhenomenonSeg.mp4Ask A Ninja – The Rise of the Video Blogging Phenomenon - Kent Nichols and Douglas Sarine - Since its first episode in 2005, the Ask A Ninja series has been viewed over 35 million times, quoted on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, featured on NPR and endorsed on numerous blogs including BoingBoing, Digg and Rocketboom. Recently, Ask A Ninja was voted the Best Series of 2006 at the YouTube video awards and featured in the New York Times Magazine. Tim Bourquin, Founder of the Expo, will ask them about what specifically they did to attract an audience, how they capitalized on the momentum, how they monetized their show in creative ways, and what's ahead for them in 2008.