Lose 5 pounds a week Information On Fetal Development Posted By: mia greenhttp://lose5poundsaweek.net
How would you like to improve the development of the fetal heart in your baby? This article will give you a great tip emerging in the medical world that'll help assure fetal development heart health.
During fetal development, a baby relies solely on the mother for all the essential vitamins, nutrients, and calories it needs to grow.
By taking a fish oil supplement high in DHA omega-3, you can make sure that your baby develops a healthy brain and memory and avoids fetal development problems. In fact, it also reduces the chances of he/she ending up with some sort of behavioral or learning disability, such as ADD and ADHD.
DHA omega-3 is a key essential nutrient that cannot be created by the human body. Since this is true, there's really nowhere to get adequate amount of it besides taking what the mother already has stored in her brain.
Supplementation is recommended for women that are breast-feeding, in order to provide the DHA necessary for healthy brain growth and the development of visual acuity. It also insures that the mother does not suffer from deficiencies.fetal development