The 'Pickens Plan' - A Fantasy or Reality?Billionaire oil baron, T. Boone Pickens is abandoning the black gold that made him rich and looking to tap another, greener recourse to help power the nation... wind. Pickens made his fortune in oil, and currently assesses our energy needs as one “we can't drill our way out of.” He is a staunch critic of America's reliance on foreign oil and recently unveiled a radical new plan that could reduce American reliance on foreign oil by as much as a third and finally tip domestic energy production towards renewable natural resources. “The Pickens Plan” calls for the harnessing of wind power to generate more than 20 percent of the country's energy needs. Studies have shown that tthe “wind corridor” along the Great Plains states holds the greatest potential for wind energy anywhere in the world, making the USA the “Saudi Arabia of wind power.” According to the Plan, if private industry built enough wind turbines along the wind corridor, which stretches from ...