WWE DIGITAL SHORT: KEN DAVITIANToday while @ a TV station in LA, we were lucky enough to stumble upon Actor, Ken Davitian, from the new movie, 'Get Smart' (Starring Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, & Dwayne Johnson A.K.A. The Rock. In theatres now!). You may know him from past films such as 'Meet The Spartans' and 'Borat' (Yes, the naked wrestler...). Anywho, we saw it the OPPORTUNE time to pitch our new film to him, 'Triple Black: The Prequel'. The fourth instillation in the trilogy about an African American superhero/politician. We wanted him to play Triple Black. ENJOY!
Created by Tommie Green and Noah Sife. Starring Ken Davitian & Noah Sife.
Directed by Tommie Green.