BMFM '06 | Turf Wars "A Martian Rock Opera" - Eps 28 -Been looking for this episode for a long time, and finally found it. Thought I'd upload it so everyone else who's been
wanting could finally be satisfied! ^_^
Yes, it's true, they sing through the whole episode. It's a little weird, but some of the songs are good. (The bros used to
sing all the time in the orig. series, though not through whole episodes. Midnight Special from "Hard Rock" was my fav!)
I was surprised when I first found out Harley had returned as a bad guy (although she's not as bad/crazy as some made
her out to be); when you watch the episode, you realize she just thinks she's got a better plan to save Mars.
Harley and Vinnie still have a connection, which I think is cool. And Harley makes up for her misdeed in the end. ^.~
Anyway, enjoy!