July 4, 2010 - Betwixt Litha and Lammas, a lesson from all of the Sabbats.Betwixt Litha and Lammas, a lesson from all of the Sabbats.
Technical issues prevented a Litha celebration, but here is a celebration to make up for that and perhaps even more. And there is a lesson to offer here which applies to all Sabbats and to life in general.
Did you ever notice that in the Wheel Of The Year, there each Sabbat is opposite a counterpart Sabbat. Litha is opposite Yule, and Lammas is directly opposite Imbolc, as two examples. And this has a special meaning for us.
If the lessons of all of the Sabbats were to be summarized in one word, that word would be: "Fulfillment". The Divine's promises are kept. There is no question of The Divine's will, The Divine's time, or any so-called "higher plan". Simply put, The Divine's promises are kept.
This offers comfort and healing to some of us, and assurance to all of us.
So, let's celebrate!
Blessed Be!