Cinema do Brasil BERLINALE 2009 FESTIVAL Filmbay FILMBAY.COMThe Berlinale Talent Campus taps into the unique atmosphere of a great festival to bring together young talents and experienced professionals. The experience of the latter meets the inspiration of the former – a very vital platform for the film world to participate in. Since 2007, the Berlinale Talent Campus takes place in the three venues of HAU - Theater Hebbel am Ufer. This jury is the only one at the Berlinale which is put together by inviting members of the public to apply.
In conjunction with Talent Campus, Filmbay offers the hosting of art, animation, demo reels and acting samples of new and forthcoming talent. Berlinale Talent Campus selected as their choice for venue, as was announced by Dieter Kosslick in October. His aim is to promote the awareness for German cinema among young French audiences, as well as more broader audiences of all ages.