Future will be driven by emotion - Patrick Dixonhttp://www.globalchange.com Emotion is more important than technology, gadgets, gizmos or inventions. Emotion is what will drive the future because it dictates how people feel and how they live. That's why market research is unreliable when it comes to future predictions - because people don't know how they will feel in future in response - say - to a terror attack or some new techno advance they never anticipated. Conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, author Futurewise - keynote lecture for MTN on consumers, fashions, lifestyles, customer behavior, choices, demographics.Motivation at work. Leadership. Leadership purpose, aims, strategy and objectives. Profits and profitability. Motivation to succeed and secrets of business success. Productivity and efficiency key. Workplace morale. Team dynamics and leadership styles. Business mission and vision. Business values and office culture. Motivation at work. People don't get passionate about shareholder value or profits or excel spreadsheets. They get ...