5 Community Projects Shortlisted for National Eco Award : MerseysideFollowing a nationwide search for sustainable initiatives, today the five shortlisted projects are announced. Each have the chance to win an award and £10,000 bursary to further their work:
MERSEYSIDE: Sefton Green Gym provides members with opportunities to grow fruit and veg whilst getting outdoor exercise. It reduces social isolation and gives opportunities to develop sustainability.
The panel of judges included experts from the Energy Saving Trust, Waste Watch and Waterwise.
The voting is open until midnight on Sunday 19th September 2010. The community project that receives the most votes will win a bursary of £10,000 to support and develop their project further. To find out more about Future Friendly and vote for your favourite project to win, visit www.futurefriendly.co.uk Distributed by Tubemogul.