GBTV #564 (HD) | Authentic Captain Kirk Chair, Electroluminescent Star Trek T-Shirt, Panasonic HDC-TM350, 3G Netbooks Subsidi...How cool would this be to have on the GeekBrief.TV set??? It's an authentic Captain Kirk chair that plays sounds from the original Star Trek. It costs $3,000. Or, I could just get an electroluminescent t-shirt. The Panasonic HDC-TM350 shoots 24 frames per second in 1080p. It has 64GB of storage, line in and a mic in. AT&T is testing out a new program, for now just in Atlanta and Philidelphia. You can get a netbook with built in 3G subsidized with a 2 year contract. Intel is working on something called IVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment) in conjunction with Volkswagon. They embedded a full IVI computer in a head unit to provide gesture control over music, photos, and 3D GPS navigation. You can save money on domain name registrations and renewals from with discount codes GB1, GB2 and GB3. For an explanation of each code, click here. Zach used promo code GB1 to save money at when he registered