Tero beats PSX Pocket FighterA playthrough of the Arcade Mode of Capcom's Pocket Fighter for the PSX. Game completed as Felicia without losing a round. Pocket Fighter is a simplistic fighting from various Capcom fighters. I picked this video because I wanted something easy and short to test out Veoh, and it's Valentine's Day and Felicia's storyline involves her wanting to star in a romantic movie. It seemed kind of appropriate. This is a good run. Pocket Fighter isn't a hard game, but it's somewhat difficult to beat it without losing a single round. My new capture card powers definitely help here, I can play much better with the aid of a real controller. I actually got this video in only one attempt, which is surprising because Felicia isn't my best character. She is my favourite, though, she's adorable. You're so cruel, Ken! Meeow! I'd totally see that movie. Pocket Fighter copyright 1998 Capcom.