Relationship Chatter- Lindsay Lohan- How to balance female friendships and a boyfriend.Today on Relationship Chatter, Professional Matchmaker, Samantha Daniels talks about how you can have good female friends in your life and still have a great romantic relationship. A lot of times, men feel threatened by the close relationships we have with our girlfriends; they don’t understand what we are giggling about or how we can spend hours at a time on the telephone, talking about nothing in particular. However, we women need our female relationships but we also need a man in our life. Hence, balance is key. Look at Lindsay Lohan these days. She is spending so much time with her bff, Samantha Ronson that there doesn’t seem to be any room in her life for a guy. Watch Relationship Chatter now and let Samantha Daniels give you some advice on how to properly balance your female friendships and the guy in your life so you can have both type of relationships.