Nirvana - Come as you are (cover with lyrics).mp4"Come as You Are" is a song by the grunge band Nirvana published on the popular album Nevermind (1991) and released as a single in 1992. This song, along with "Smells Like Teen Spirit", is responsible for popularizing both Nirvana and to the whole grunge movement. Come as You Are is remembered as one of the most optimistic songs of Nirvana. While other songs of the band contained "dark" lyrics, Come as You Are welcomes the listener as a friend. The song has the general theme of acceptance, inviting the listener to do what the title says (Come as you are). However, it also contains a slight air of suspicion for the encounter, particularly the line: And I swear that I do not have a gun, that is repeated several times. Join us to enjoy the world from our perspective. Well Maybe is a channel in which we want to share our tastes, interests and opinions. Well Maybe is a channel created by Belles-Letters. Categoría