Mosaic: World News From The Middle East - July 12, 2007The Peabody Award-winning daily compilation of television news reports from the Middle East, including Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, Syria, the Palestinian Authority, Iraq and Iran.
Lebanese Army Prepares for Final Assault on Nahr El Bared
Al Jazeera TV, Qatar
One Year after the War on Lebanon
Dubai TV, UAE
Kidnapped Soldiers Remembered
IBA TV, Israel
Interview with Lebanese Prisoners in Israel
Al Arabiya TV, UAE
Israeli MP Wants to Use Palestinians as Human Shields
Palestine TV, Ramallah
Bush Believes War in Iraq is Winaable
IRIB2 TV, Iran
Who has more Influence in the Middle East?
ANB TV, England
Pakistanis Bury their Dead after Red Mosque Assault
Al Jazeera English, Qatar