This is a video response to a member on a 'local forum to where I live who asserted that 'nothing is that easy in (GNU/) Linux' and intimated that I was being economical with the truth - so as me dear old Dad used to say "What can't speak, can't lie"! Enjoy!
Apologies if the video is a bit fast - I mistakenly increased the frame-rate from 15 per second to 25 in the settings of 'recordmydesktop' - superior in respect of sound capture compared to 'Kazamscreencaster' but not as versatile as Kazam (IMHO). This version of GNU/Linux did not allow 'Ctrl+ Alt+ T' to launch the 'Terminal' - had to go through the menu to launch 'Terminator' - could have launched it via Alt+ F2 (run dialogue) then entering 'Term... - which would have autosuggested Terminator.
Jest Patronizing brings another episode of Propaganda News with your anchor Biff Dolittle.
12/15/11: TWU Local 100 is joined by fellow labor leaders and public officials to rally outside New York Transit Headquarters in protest of continued cuts to service and workers, ending in an Occupy Wall Street march reclaiming Liberty Plaza.