Jon Bernthal: The Walking Dead, The Pacific, The Ghost WriterSponsored by - Watch this episode for a promo code!
Zombies have been a mainstay for comic fans ever since the first brain was eaten by the undead. With zombie fans came zombie movies, and now zombie television shows.
AMC sets the bar high with "The Walking Dead", the story of what comes next when Sheriff Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) wakes up in a hospital after a zombie epidemic. The story grows, literal to its comic roots, to include a sampling of society and a talented cast of actors, including Jon Bernthal. With credits including, "Eastwick", "The Pacific", and "The Ghost Writer", Jon is well-experienced for the challenging role.
KP speaks with Jon at the SAG Awards gift suite in Hollywood about his role as "Shane Walsh", what the fan reaction has meant to him as an actor, and what he likes to watch when he's not on the set.
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