MusicDishTV Presents "Take A Number" By Pop/R&B Singer Baiyu"Take A Number" by Pop/R&B artist Baiyu is a very refreshing track and video that incorporates elements of dance and hip hop with Baiyu's incredible vocals and style. This is an instantly likeable track that will appeal to music lovers of all genres who appreciate a great song. Well produced, it never lets up from beginning to end and keeps you entranced with the lyrics and beat. Baiyu shows that she's both sexy and strong with her dress, attitude, moves, and performance. In the video, she sings the track in a variety of outdoor scenes - none of which are fancy, but it's not necessary to get her point across. The track is so lyrically strong, and Baiyu exudes so much sexiness and confidence that "props" and fancy scenes were simply irrelevant. Viewers will "Take A Number" to line up on the dance floor to move to this groove. It's one that will keep the club and party scene bumping, and is also perfect for just hanging out with the girls or guys or cruising down the highway. Email: Website: