Panic-Attacks-Treatment-Video-Lesson-2: SYMPTOMS of PANIC ATTACKS Panic attacks treatment can only be prescribed once it is determined how and why they arise. Lesson 2 - SYMPTOMS of PANIC ATTACKS goes over some common symptoms we should be looking out for. While many people get panic attacks regularly, the symptoms do not present themselves the same in every individual. If you want to treat your panic attacks, it's important to take stock of your own symptoms so you can eliminate them for good. This can lead to a variety of other symptoms, such as feeling dizzy or like you are going to pass out. That's why one of the things you can do when you get a panic attack is breathe in and out through your nose, slowly and rhythmically. Even though this can be helpful, the feeling that you are being smothered, or are choking, is one of the most unfortunate symptoms of panic attacks. Your body might also start to tremble. This is a natural response bodies have when you are fearful or anxious. In times of panic attack, this trembling and nervousness increases a lot. This kind of response can make you even more fearful, and you might start to feel out of control. Speaking of feeling out of control, you might start to get the feeling that you are detached from yourself. These detached feelings cause an odd sense of self. Even if you know deep down that your feelings are irrational, it does nothing to help since you feel so detached. This can cause you to start feeling like you're going crazy or are completely losing your grip on reality. One of the biggest concerns with feeling this way is not being able to take control of your panic attacks. Clearly, dealing with the symptoms of panic attacks is no way to live your life. It's time to take action today and seek the help you need to get rid of panic attacks for good. For a review of some excellent resources and help visit