Online Casino Reports' Weekly Edition draws a comparison between the 30's economic depression and our current financial crisis, and presents the William Hill and CPays merger as a hint for the coming. Also, naturally, odds on the next US President.
A short promo for the Animal surf academy in Newquay England's, Girls Only surf days. This one was filmed towards the end of the summer 2008. A longer version is coming soon!
Music from the Universe Inspectors, Croyde's legendary reggae band.
The teaser trailer for Perfect World International's first expansion, coming Winter 2008. Travel to the past and uncover new armors, new zones, and an all-new quest chain. For more information, visit
Shrinking Characters follows a therapist Helga Knull- with unusual clients from both the fictional and also non-fictional world. Episode 2, Riddled Joe Kerr shows the Joe Kerr coming in for a therapy session.
Shrinking Characters follows a therapist Helga Knull- with unusual clients from both the fictional and also non-fictional world. The 2nd episode, Riddled Joe Kerr shows the complicated Joe Kerr coming in for a therapy session.
Video introduction of ringtone of the week by Geoff Smith.
This week the ringtone is titled "Creepy Crawling". Halloween is coming up in a few days and what would be more appropriate than a ringtone for the event. If you are wise just close your eyes, answer the phone or say goodbye..
Let us know if you liked this week's ringtone:
For the latest news, have a look at the RingtoneFeeder blog:
Follow us on Twitter Positive vibrations and thoughtforms coming your way for free at If you want positive thought waves or vibrations sent your way to manifest dreams for any purpose just visit Vital Waves and leave your request - its free. You can request spiritual energy be sent to you for healing, prosperity, depression help, debt, peace, love, relationship help and more. We'll even send positive thoughts and energy to your pets if you want.
Visit for positive self-improvement and we'll send the positive vibes your way. While there please send energy to others. The universal law of attraction holds that doing that will help you attract more of what you want in your life as well. Also visit and see all the powerful video affirmations, abundance, success and wealth-building material.
check out this hot track. "quick money" by aktion beats off that new mav mixtape coming soon. the song is mc eiht, kam, trap, and mav. for more. also it has everyone else addresses in the video.
part of "We *heart* card games" productions met up with some friends in the St. Louis area for a Yugioh photoshoot! This video has a few bits of our break at the Zoo (which didn't last long). Not as interesting as the other videos (I wish we could have gotten a video of us getting stopped by security or the Zoo mascot coming up to us for a picture....those were the highlights of our Zoo adventure) XD
In the short film "For the Confetti" NY artist Stephen Mead looks at wedding vows in an historical context, how the words of these vows have changed very little over the course of time. Given the debates over Same Sex Marraige over the past few years, this film, by presenting the vows, asks those opposed to Same Sex Marraige to truly reflect, examine their views in the context of spirituality. When they are seeking to deny others the vows "to have & to hold, to love, cherish & respect" in a loving commitment to another human being, are these opponents coming from a place of knee-jerk reaction or have they truly searched their consciences in order to exactly understand what they seek to deny others? Using music, artwork and a montage of fim footage, "For the Confetti" hopes to go beyond stubborn angry & fearful stances to create an atmophere of open-heartedness which will allow true generoisty of the spirit to lovingly expand, to embrace basic decency and goodness.
Saw V
This is the official Teaser Trailer for the new Saw 5 Movie coming out October 24th 2008.
For more:
Have you ever been the victim of an opponent hitting you from off screen? A mage casting Flamestrike? Arrows coming out of no where? Just because you don't see anyone on your screen does not mean you are alone. When running, the Ultima Online client can only approximate the position of another player chasing you. This has nothing to do with latency (lag), it has to do with the client just being unable to show you exactly where your opponent(s) are every fraction of a second. As you can see from this video, while one player sees no one the other appears to be running right behind.
The Industries Supa Producer Khao meets with NBA superstar Carmelo Anthony to discuss producing Yung Berg an up and coming artist on Carmelo's Label (edited/directed by Yamil Little)
(Mãi Yêu- It's all coming back to me now)
- Có khả năng lôi cuốn khán giả tốt.
- Chất giọng của bạn tốt, khoẻ, không bị vỡ ở những đoạn lên cao. - Tuy nhiên còn thiếu trau chuốt, không phù hợp với chất nhạc đằm thắm của bài hát đã chọn
- Nếu bạn thực sự đến với Project V với ước mơ vươn tới một ngôi sao thì nên trau chuốt thêm về mặt chất giọng và phát âm. Phát âm của bạn chưa được rõ.
Ninja Naritai is a free game that you will play on
This work took many weeks, so please be kind ^_^
The story:
When the young ninja apprentice Akio is summoned in the office of his Sage for a special assignment, he can't even imagine what adventures is he going to face! Helped by his old friend Mako, he will travel the world looking for the mythics Mantra's Fragments, the only remedy against a terrible threath that is going to happen in the world. From venice to China, going through Transylvania, he will meet unikely allies and even more unlikely enemies until he comes back home. Following the old fantastic adventure game, Ninja Naritai is a funny game that will seduce you until you finish it!
This Point-and-click (Monkey Island Style) game is COMING SOON!!
For more information take a look to
Lease option investing is coming back. Some investors think a lease option won't work in their area but here is proof that a lease option is a great strategy!
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New Cash Gifting Program Coming Soon - If your serious about joining an online opportunity then you should be equally as serious about seeking out the right mentor. You want someone who can provide your with a system, real training, and support. Those 3 factors are key to finding the right mentor. See my video and learn more.
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"All that I was afraid of is coming true. Digging a hole 10 feet deep to find water is fine. But what happens? What do you do when you've dugg 10 feet and there's still no water? Do you abandon your efforts? Do you start over? I chose to keep digging..."
- Tae, as things get dangerous
He’s an Original King of Comedy and he’s coming to CNN. On Saturday October 25th at 10pm, CNN debuts a new weekend show hosted by renowned comedian D.L. Hughley.
This video will focus on how to track where your opt-ins and sales are coming from.
News,WAR, Israel,IRAQ,IRAN, Ahmadinejad,Hormuz,Korea, India, CHINA,USA,nuclear,blackmail,oil,bombs,starving,
Robert Scoble who is @scobleizer on twitter pulls together a "TwitBQ" at Artz Rib House on S Lamar in Austin, Texas. Paul Terry Walhus @springnet and Austin Aaron @austinaaron interview the twitterfolk around the table. Part 1 is an interview with @kellycree and @jessicamullen - up and coming vbloggers and designers.
Fix My Recipe Chef Billy Parisi helps "fix" recipes on a daily basis from those needing some advice with where their recipe is going wrong. Feel free to send in your recipe to to see if it will become the next, "Featured Fix of the Day." Also- be sure to check out for more videos and recipes.
This is the Final Free-Per-View of the year, where history gets made, boys become men, and men become champions! We also give away sneak peeks atthe New season of NSW coming up soon to! Stay tuned!
I hadn’t seen Hannah in about two weeks… she stopped working for the producer she didn’t like so she stopped coming in to pick up his coffee. I called her to see how life as an actress was working out…
Powerful Political Duo Sounds Off In Bizjet Land
The hits from NBAA2008 just keep on coming and as soon as business heats up a little in these chilly economic times, we're likely to remember them quite fondly (we hope).
One of the highlights of this year was the return of veteran political couple Mary Matalin and James Carville. This intriguing pair spoke at NBAA's the Opening General Session , offering their perspectives on this year’s election, and marking the couple’s second appearance at an NBAA Convention.
Matalin, a Republican political pundit who once served on George Herbert Walker Bush’s campaign, and who has served as Vice President Dick Cheney’s top advisor, entertained the audience with affectionate jabs at her husband, Carville, a Democratic political pundit and former Clinton advisor.
Matalin and Carville shared anecdotes about each other, explaining how they reconcile their stark political differences in their married life. Matalin said, "I just ...
Welcome back zappers, Im Devin Curry with Your online video source for comic book news and reviews. Follow me on Twitter at
I've always loved the Ravager character, she's tough, a bad ass, and was a great contrast to the other members of the Teen Titans. In fact she was actually the only thing I liked about the Titan's post crisis. Like I said I thought she was a good part of the team and I was looking forward to her coming around and sticking with the team. I honestly wasn't expecting much from this title but it looks like it will be pretty good. There’s plenty of action and as I said I like Ravager. I really want her to be one of the good guys and it speaks to the quality of the writing that I was actually disappointed and felt bad for her when she started taking the adrenaline and it was obvious that she was giving the Clock King power over her and I want to see her break free from that. The bottom line is they’ve got me interested ...
Welcome back zappers, Im Devin Curry with Your online video source for comic book news and reviews. Follow me on Twitter at
This title is coming off a pretty strong arch and so I gave it another try. Unfortunately the things that made the last arch great didn't carry over into this one. The team aspect is not there in this story and it is focusing on two relatively boring characters. I mean seriously Animal Man and Vixen. Anansi is a great villain I just wish he were up against a higher caliber of heroes. DC did a great job of making D list villains cool but it hasn't really had the same effect with the heroes. Everyone deserves their shot at a starring role in a book like the JLA but not everyone can carry it. I guess that's the inherent risk of a book like the JLA is just sucks that they had finally drawn me back in just leave me hanging with this lamo story. I've always said that the JLA has to be taken on an arch by arch basis and this is ...
Starring Maria De Medeiros of HENRY & JUNE and PULP FICTION, Shelter Me is now available on DVD from Wolfe Video. Watch the trailer then go to to buy your copy and one for a friend.
SHELTER ME portrays three human beings, diverse from each other and the majority, compelled to deal, with compassion, trust and fear, with issues raised by sexual orientation, coming of age, immigration and work related problems.
Alice's organisation is after three killers known as the Mad Pig Brothers who stole information from them, so she hires Ranma then tells the Mad Pigs he's coming.
Pehli Mulaqat is Saregama India Ltd.’s one of the most ambitious project ever, launching Esbee as the Real Mr.’Rock On’ Star!!Sital Banerjee aka Esbee is today one of those few fortunate artist who actually see their passion taking shape and their dreams coming true…. Eventually similar to the character of Farhan Akhtar in Rock On.
Currently, a global media director working with Phillips, in recent years felt the constant urage from within to return to his first love, his passion…..Music. because true passion never dies.
Pehli Mulaqat , his debut albumis a compilation of his ‘guru’ the legendary singer Kishor Kumar’s song presented with a completely modern arrangement and style while keeping the soul of the songs,intact. This music has been recreated by Dhiren Raichura.
This is from my latest “Sold Out” MIT Workshop starts today in Bloomington, MN. This looks to be the Best MIT ever, with new students coming from all over the country.
Buried Alive begins in complete darkness with the discovery that Rick, a handsome 20 year-old has been buried alive. Illuminated by only the flame of a cigarette lighter, the details of the scene come into focus from the point of view of a night vision camera, embedded in the corner of the coffin, capturing Rich’s every movement. On his left, an ominous warning: SAVE YOUR BREATH. It turns out he is just one of many victims trapped in coffins. Above ground, siblings Melanie and Travis work frantically to piece together information gleaned from found footage and online diaries hidden on the web. They each have a secret stake tied to the victims’ fates, and in the ultimate race against time, they frantically work to unravel the mystery and discover the locations of the buried coffins before it is too late.
Buried Alive begins in complete darkness with the discovery that Rick, a handsome 20 year-old has been buried alive. Illuminated by only the flame of a cigarette lighter, the details of the scene come into focus from the point of view of a night vision camera, embedded in the corner of the coffin, capturing Rich’s every movement. On his left, an ominous warning: SAVE YOUR BREATH. It turns out he is just one of many victims trapped in coffins. Above ground, siblings Melanie and Travis work frantically to piece together information gleaned from found footage and online diaries hidden on the web. They each have a secret stake tied to the victims’ fates, and in the ultimate race against time, they frantically work to unravel the mystery and discover the locations of the buried coffins before it is too late.
( We find ourselves in Luke 21 in the last week of His life before His crucifixion. It is actually Wednesday of that week. He will be crucified on Friday. Wednesday He spent teaching in the temple and then in the evening He left the temple ground, took His disciples, went to the Mount of Olives, sat down with them and instructed them about His Second Coming.
Halloweens coming to the Prospect Park Zoo, where Pallas cats Nicholas and Alexandra are stalking pumpkins stuffed with holiday loot.