PROGRAMMING THE NATION? (theatrical trailer 2010)Since the late 1950s subliminal content has been tested and delivered through all forms of media. Today's modern military has even been accused of using such practices in their continuous "War on Terror" against civilians and soldiers, both at home and abroad. To this day, no laws exist which prohibit the use of such techniques.
This documentary examines the reported history of subliminal tactics used in scientific research, advertising, music, film, anti-theft devices, political propaganda, and military psychological operations and applications.
Do you ever find yourself desiring, doing or buying things with no conscious reasoning? How is it possible that the United States consumes about 25 percent of world's resources while making up less than 5% of the global population? Are we all part of an elaborate scheme that has been "PROGRAMMING THE NATION?"
Decide for yourself. Distributed by Tubemogul.