Is There A Defense Against The Field Sobriety Test In Cambridge, MA?LegalFaces Directory
Altman & Altman, LLP
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There are defenses that can be used in a drunk driving case if field sobriety tests were used. First of all the police officer's perspective, whether or not the tests were fairly given, some tests are not given any merit whatsoever. It's going to depend on the officer's credibility, because usually those are not filmed. So the officer will come in and say that the person did a, b, or c, and maybe the defendant will say no, I did this or that. Well, it's your word against the police officer's. Whereas with the breathalyzer, it's even tougher, because you've got the machine. I'm Sam Goldberg, lead counsel for criminal defense matters at Altman & Altman, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I have 25 years of experience. If you're in trouble and you need someone in your corner, who cares and will fight for you, give me a call.