They are not Human The planet that is coming is the reptilian's Botony Bay, their prison planet. Rejoice that the evil plaguing this world is leaving it soon!!!! The Pope's bankers were caught in yet another money laundering scheme, FOX is reporting, he was served with papers for crimes against humanity by an international tribunal. Obama and the Progressives will be served to appear for acts of High Treason. 27 states have filed to leave the Union, more will follow. Ding dong the Big Bad Beast is Dead meat. The US military is guilty of crimes against humanity as will and will be held accountable for chem trail poisoning of our citizens and the wholesale poisoning of our food supply in addition to germ warfare meant to kill Americans as well as others in other nations. HAARP causes quakes at 10 K depth, take a look at the USGS to see how many quakes are HAARP 6.21 miles deep rather than natural at varied depths. The attack on humanity is about over, the chem trails are gone, the bad guys realize they are surrounded and will flee like the cowards they are, just don't you go with them unless you want to be hunted for food on Nibiru