Avoid the Unconscious Lifestyle! Wake Up!Cass Mann is one of the world's longest-term HIV-positive diagnosed gay men, now in his third decade of living with HIV, and the founder of UK’s only gay men’s HIV/AIDS charity Positively Healthy, which provides HIV services including education, support, and peer counselling. Eastern philosophers say that 99% of humanity is unconscious. If your world is your club, back room, dark room, adult videos, and Internet sex-on-demand, you're leading an unconscious lifestyle, and this unconsciousness will kill you. To the world at large, the "Gay" identity is AIDS identity--a hedonistic and narcissistic identity. But if you wake up, you realize that there's more to life than your sexual orientation. For more information about HIV/AIDS, visit http://www.posh-uk.org.uk/ and http://www.AIDSvideos.org/.