Families of Drug Addicts: Caring when it Counts Most(877) 912-7837
Families of drug addicts often care, but donât always understand addiction or know how to help. Jim, clean for 3 years, has a lot of love from family members, but during his years of addiction felt alone, scared, ashamed and embarrassed. The family did not understand the situation. Family focused therapies are a core part of Family Programs at The Recovery Place. For Jim the positive love and support from his family is a strong part of his successful recovery. Pamela, Lead Clinician at TRP, has been clean for 21 years. Her empathy and insiderâs understanding enhance her ability to provide successful therapy for addicted clients and the family members. Family roles in addiction can have either a negative or a positive impact on the addict. The Family Program at The Recovery Place teaches family members how to support their loved one in a positive and healthy way, to maximize their chances for long term recovery.