Dragon Booster Episode 3 - Into the FireStory: This follows the story of young Artha Penn, a stable boy who rides Beaucephalis (nicknamed ‘Beau’), the Black and Gold Dragon of Legend. He becomes the Dragon Booster, a hero to protect the world from the impending Dragon-Human War, and to unite humans and dragons for all time. Synopsis: The Dragon City racer, Pyrrah from the Dragon Flares Crew, is normally one of the cleanest racers on the track. Pyrrah falls under the control of Word's mind control pod, kidnaps Lance, Artha's 10 year old brother, and makes a deal with Artha: If Artha wins a race, he gets Lance back, if not, he loses Lance and Beau. Please sign the petition for more Dragon Booster episodes. Hopefully, if we have enough signatures, networks will purchase Dragon Booster Academy and decide to air it on TV. Just go to http://www.dragon-city.org/Off_Site/petition.htm and sign. Your voice counts! Let’s have Artha release the dragon once again! Guest Starring: Nicole Oliver Ryan Keogh