New Treatment in Breast Cancer DetectionMammography has been the standard for detecting breast cancer in its early stages, however dense breast tissue can make tumors difficult to find. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, women with dense breast tissue are five times more likely to develop breast cancer.
Now a new type of ultrasound treatment, the Acuson S2000 Automated Breast Volume Scanner (ABVS), may help find what traditional mammography misses. A study published in 2008 found that adding a screening ultrasound examination to routine mammography revealed 28 percent more cancers than mammography alone. Recently FDA approved, ABVS is the world's first multi-use automated breast volume ultrasound system.
This diagnostic tool provides a three dimensional view of the breast, allowing physicians to analyze from front to back, top to bottom, and side to side. The system is also more comfortable for the patient because it's non claustrophobic and radiation free.
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