TheGreatTimeGate2012-Ananda BosmanPart2The Great Time Gate 2012-2,222 AD part two, in the alpha side of the Time Gate in 1996, Ananda here presents the Time Gate concept based on Time Wave Zero novelty theory, its links to 2010, 2011, and 2012, time travelling, UFOs, exopolitics, extraterrestrials, as a contactee, the Mayan calender and harmonic convergence, mass unity events of mankind, global meditation link ups, 8hz, DMT, harmaline, ayahuasca, ultraterrestrial contacts, fractal time, solar flares, solar mega flares, galactic center cycles, the neuro-revolution, described by this Andromedian contactee and ultraterestrial contactee, visionary artist and visionary musician, founder of the 432hz AUMega Music Revolution. With extraordinary lucid wit, in 1996, Ananda Bosman foresaw the present 2012 Great Time congruence and star shamanism. This is an extraordinary recorded piece of non-dogmatic visionary semantic art history, back in March 1996.