Man Gets Stuck In Drain Pipe!!Drew Beson Squeezes down a drain pipe, then creates "Crevasse"
Artist Statement:
Enormous paintings filled with vibrant colors and bold movement typify my artwork. If it is too big to pick up, I feel like I have succeeded. The rest of the success of the work I attribute to the genius- Gwynn.
I am neither the person I was, nor who I will be. We are in a continual state of homeostasis; a state of total and perfect equilibrium, a state of both regeneration and decay- Every cell in our body regenerates approximately every 7 years, all 7 billion or so of them. At best, you are seeing an episode of my work.
By definition, an episode is "a part of a dramatic work: akin to a chapter of a book."
I want you to see the work honestly, in real-time and as far from perfection. I also hope and pray that the work spontaneously combusts shortly after being shown, (thanks Kiki) so enjoy it while it lasts.
Media: acrylic on canvas
Check out more at
Drew Beson Gallery+Studio
Canadian Pacific Plaza, Suite 210
120 South 6th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402