So - TVに加入しますと、この樣な優良な番組が過去に遡つて自由に閱覽可能と成ります。民放では決して得られる事のない知識、情報が得られます。草莽崛起の志のある方は是非加入してみては如何でせうか? チャンネル櫻 So - TV YOU TUBE チヤンネル櫻
So - TVに加入しますと、この樣な優良な番組が過去に遡つて自由に閱覽可能と成ります。民放では決して得られる事のない知識、情報が得られます。草莽崛起の志のある方は是非加入してみては如何でせうか? チャンネル櫻 So - TV YOU TUBE チヤンネル櫻
鈴木邦子の感々學々「オバマ大統領の一般敎書演說と大統領選擧の行方」 So - TVに加入しますと、この樣な優良な番組が過去に遡つて自由に閱覽可能と成ります。民放では決して得られる事のない知識、情報が得られます。草莽崛起の志のある方は是非加入してみては如何でせうか? チャンネル櫻 So - TV YOU TUBE チヤンネル櫻
So - TVに加入しますと、この樣な優良な番組が過去に遡つて自由に閱覽可能と成ります。民放では決して得られる事のない知識、情報が得られます。草莽崛起の志のある方は是非加入してみては如何でせうか? チャンネル櫻 So - TV YOU TUBE チヤンネル櫻
The China.Xian International Folk Movie Festival was organised by the China Broadcasting Society. Duanran's work "Position" makes use of a group of 4-5 year old children in a classroom setting, to explore deeper societal themes and issues such as "ranking". It won the acclaim of a mixed Chinese and foreign jury, winning the 3rd prize out of more than 3000 other submitted works. 中国·西安国际民间影像节”由中国广播电视协会主办,是一个国际性赛事。段然的作品《位》以一群4—5岁的孩子为载体,用7个段落诠释,借喻和探讨人生中的“排位”问题。《位》得到中外评委的认可,在中外3000多件作品中脱颖而出,夺得三等奖。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit At least one-third of all the world’s fish caught and murdered today is fed to livestock – not to us humans even…etc.
目前全球所捕殺的魚類, 至少有三分之一進了牲畜的肚子, 而不是人類吃掉了…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit If I had to have the choice between a child being raised with the greatest moral consciousness, having that concept of being a truly ethical, compassionate, responsible world citizen,...etc.
如果我有兩種選擇, 一、將孩子培養成具最完美道德意識, 真正有道德的概念, 慈悲及負責任的世界公民,...等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit This is how to improve their skills, to encourage them. By employing widows to work at the orphanages, two goals are accomplished – the residents get attention from loving adults …etc.
它旨在鼓勵孩子提高他們的技能. 鼓勵寡婦在孤兒院工作可達到兩個目的: 孩子們能得到大人的愛心關注…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit Heal your heart, forget your belly if it invites you to taste the flesh. Your brethren are dying and you are profiting from it...etc.
治癒你的心靈, 忘掉你的肚子, 如果它邀請你品嘗肉品, 你的兄弟正在死亡, 而你卻從中獲利...等等。
In this episode, Cindy discusses the origins of the Dragon Boat Festival, and its traditional food, rice dumplings, or Zongzi (粽子). Thanks and see you next episode! For more information about the Dragon Boat Festival, be sure to read Setting the Stage for Chinese, Level 2 (, to read a play about its origins.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit When nitrates enter our intestines and interact with the bacteria, they produce a kind of compound called nitroso compound, which is a very potent carcinogen…etc. 硝酸鹽本身到我們的腸子以後, 跟細菌作用會產生一種化合物, 叫作亞硝機化合物, 這是最強的致癌物…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit I believe we’re all the same; we’re all flesh and blood. We all have emotions. We all feel pain and joy and love, and so it’s not any fairer as if you would use your neighbor’s child to test something,…etc.我相信我們都是一樣的, 我們都有血有肉, 我們都有感情, 我們都能感受疼痛、歡樂與愛, 所以如果你用你鄰居的孩子, 測試某樣東西…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit We thank HUPA, for enabling me to obtain this farm, were I’m harvesting these vegetables right now, whereby I can feed myself and my children, and indeed everyone in my house…etc.我們很感謝HUPA使我能經營這個農場, 我現在收獲的蔬菜, 可以養活我, 和我的孩子, 養活家裡所有的人…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit Hope for the Underprivileged Association believes that through schooling children can develop their capabilities to become productive members of the community...etc. 「弱勢者希望協會」相信, 透過學校教育孩子們可以開發他們的潛能, 成為社區生產主力軍...等等。