Helping Drivers Reduce Oil ConsumptionThe California Environmental Protection Agency, the California Integrated Waste Management Board and the Leading U.S. Auto Manufacturer Launch New Campaign
According to the American Petroleum Institute, more than 1 billion gallons of motor oil are sold each year in the U.S. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that about 185 million gallons of used motor oil are improperly disposed of each year - dumped into the ground, thrown in the trash, or poured down the drain.
To help reduce environmental impact, the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA), the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) and General Motors are joining forces. They hope to encourage drivers to follow their vehicle manufacturer's recommendations on oil changes, which for millions of vehicles could be much longer than the decades-old standard of every 3,000 miles.
The traditional oil change recommendation was based on engine and oil technologies of the past. Today's engines are built ...