061205 Changmin No.23 - Mnet Top 100 Most Cute guys
I love Changmin's mouth, so when he smiles, he is EXTREMELY cute!! Our baby Changmin! and innocent too!
061205 Jaejoong No.41 - Mnet Top 100 Most Cute guys
Jaejoong is always hot.. but I prefer him when he acts cute, than being the cold impression that he always do.. ^^;; when he's cute, really cute!!!
Miki Fujimoto Dokyu 180 . Continue with Dokyu 181 to Reina Tanaka . Now Miki finished her cute show , its time to PM's Tanakacchi on a new request . Miki gonna need Reina to face her fear .
Miki Fujimoto Dokyu 179 . Continue with Dokyu 180 . Now Miki gonna show some of the plots by her cute show . The story began about tricky conflict in arbitrary of the Crab and Monkey , which in the end .... well just see .
Miki Fujimoto Dokyu 178 . Continue with Dokyu 179 . Miki continue her sketches to picture her cute show , drawing bee and everything else while Ookie seem helping to become too calm like her kid . Meanwhile her sensei , finding her bag to leave .
Miki Fujimoto Dokyu 177 . Continue with Dokyu 178 . Miki now left her English Lesson but now as Koha request , she must do some cute show !! Monkey vs Crab , dunno how she draw and present it .... The drawing looks "kawaaii" .
Miki Fujimoto Dokyu 173 . Continue with Dokyu 174 . Miki Fujimoto already see Koha request and now taking care of pet Ookie , a typical small monkey that anxious everytime and scared Miki a bit . But its cute and lovely for Mikitty .
reminds me of the little forest spirits from mononoke. so cute!
*edit* thanks to BlueDevil5 for pointing out this is the ending theme from One Piece...
Sayumi Michishige 147 Dokyu . Continue with Dokyu 148 . Now Sayumin gonna tells about her story back about news of being kidnapped if she was cute in school . Summary , she try not to be cute .