Koharu Kusumi has hit OhaStar again with some more Balalaika stuff on November 6, 2006. She goes out and performs for kids, it's really cute. =) Makes me like Koharu more XD
This is Minimoni's 2nd single and a "dance shot" version of it. It's super cute and everyone loves Minimoni!!! Minimoni is: Yaguchi Mari, Mika Todd, Tsuji Nozomi and Kago Ai
This is a very upbeat song that tells a bit of a story, it's cute sorry if the quality isn't up to par though @_@; MK is: Saitou Hitomi, Murata Megumi, Ootani Masae and Shibata Ayumi
Sabrina Salerno Interview in italian tv show "La Vitta in Diretta" in this interview she talk about her carrier and her life. Her son Luca Maria appear too.So Cute!! 2005
This is the Dance Shot version of Ayaya's 9th single "Ne~e?" it's so sweet it'll give you cavities. Super cute and all of that. It's amazing that she went from stuff like this to the sexiness that is GAM, ne~e? ;p
This is just Ichii Sayaka by herself and it's her best song in my opinion, and sadly her last as well. It's really cute and catchy and the PV is adorable as well!
Yaguchi's team have to feel the palm and guess the one who's touching their face. At the end Reina totally can't believe that it was Sayumi, and yeah her face was VERY cute.
Here is the live performance of Koharu's new song Balalaika the opening for the anime Kirarin Revolution on Hello!Morning. It's really cute and quite catchy, it grew on me surprisingly fast.