Living in a Green HouseThe First Carbon Neutral House on the East Coast Opens its Doors
According to the EPA, approximately two thirds of greenhouse gases come from commercial and residential buildings. In fact, the average American home produces 22,830 lbs. of CO2 per year. The Green House, in McLean, Virginia, is the first carbon neutral house on the East Coast.
Built to show how far green technology has come, the house uses a highly advanced energy efficient design and renewable energy systems. LED lighting and use of natural lighting, structural insulated panel construction, low-flow water fixtures and a green roof system are just a few of the elements that help make the Green House carbon neutral. Combined with vehicles like the all-electric Volt, a family could ideally live a carbon-neutral lifestyle.
The house will be open to the public October 10th-30th.
This satellite feed features SOTs from:
- Mark Lowhan, West Group
- Tony Posawatz, General Motors
Produced for General Motors