Global Resorts Network, What's In a Name?
Global Resorts Network needs leaders that have good people skills. Angie Hernandez is sharing with her team the 6 Principles on How the Get People to Like You, Resonate With You, and Ultimatly, Want to do Business With join your Global Resorts Team.
Principle #5 states, "Remember, a person's name is, to that person, the sweetest, most important sound in the world."
It seems simple, but so many network marketers forget this people skill.
Check out Angie's other videos on people skills.
also, follow her blog titled "A Day in the Life of a Network Marketer" here:
Sign up for Angie's FREE Newsletter, and receive all the current marketing strategies for YOUR business here:
Join a Global Resorts team that has the platform already set in place for you to succeed!
To Your Success,
Angie Hernandez
(405)640-7811 ...