Bumblebear at Hen House StudiosHenHouseStudios.com
A Renaissance man in the truest sense of the word, Paul, the man behind Bumble Bear, is a musician, a painter, a photographer and a damn nice guy. His songs, similar to his paintings and photographs, are very surreal. Paul's music evokes many dream-like images. Best described as trance/rock with a classical music structure, listening to Bumble Bear's music is an emotional journey. There are highs and lows. Quiet times and loud ones too. But in the end, the listener is left thoroughly entertained.-www.HenHouseStudios.com
Hen House Studios is a record label and documentary film company in Venice, California. First made famous by their unique concept to record musicians for free in exchange for the right to film them, Hen House has grown to a premiere, web based multi media company featuring music videos, CDs, DVDs, and podcasts all produced by the studio.
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