The last Remnant PC HM E7(from Young on, read description)Summarize:
First round: Lucky me, doing many crits, Snievan almost down to crit.
Second round: Milton attacks Rush, useless, Snievan dies because of some nice atks ^.^
Third: Dual Snowpetal And Beowulf killed Milton, got Lughs revenge ready, but didn´t execute.
Ludope and Zuido reinforce, Zuido attacks rush, blocked, Ludope uses Galaxy, Torgal evades, Rush and Zolean got Orphic Ward, Lhrynia Survives, Jager dies.
4th round: Risky move: Used Lughs Revenge now on Ludope, 170k crit, overall 220k union damage,
Zolean now comes in with Cachexia, killing him with some Addles from the others.
Zuido keeps on Hitting Rush, who used maledict. Jager gets resurrected.
5th: Dual Snowpetal killed Zuido, although Torgals and Jagers union depleted almost all hp before because of thier moves, but died because of an Giant Press -.-
Young reinforces and attacks Zolean.
Now the Video starts.
I will never be so lucky again.