DE 2029 scifi - invasion by Tony NguyenTrailer D:E 2029 directed by Tony Nguyen.
Actors: Gaël, Bao, Tony Nguyen...
Synopsis: Climatic warming confused our whole planet by changing its genetics notion of time. The army landowning has not means any more, weakened by the budget of french political.
French secret service decided to call the best survivors of "the Banlieues", elite commando of D:E, as to give them an unconvincing name to be able to conquer and raise this mission to fight this invincible invaders " V-Thunder ". A news gets worse disembark! This band announces been turned before zero budget and with a reality of our civilization weakened by the lack to be earned and to eat less of a power of reduced purchase.
- Costumes of uniforms of ninjas and commando of interventions, extra-terrestrial voice-off from Tony Nguyen's voice as voices of "STARGATE", choreography coordination of stunt-fighting, special effects and music composed especially by Tony Nguyen (DSX)