Mid-East Bible Prophecy-Counterpoint: The Truth about Global WarmingA teaching by Bud Stonebraker, of South Shore Christian Fellowship. A fact filled teaching-the Truth about Global Warming. Bud does a brief but thorough job of explaining the issue from it's beginnings with "the Club of Rome" & how it relates to cows, Mars, the US, China, Brazil, UN & Kyoto. Photos from NOAA at www.photolib.noaa.gov. Bud does all this in 5 minutes (pretty miraculous) A small part of an ecxcellent series on the End Times run on KLHT radio www.klight.org Download it from www.southshorechristianfellowship.org My wife asked me to clip out this piece on Global Warming to play to some friends. We obtained special permission from Bud Stonebraker to release it hear. It is an excellent presentation & counter point to JD's controversial teaching on God's hand in all this. I hope the Truth will be illuminating to all. The Bible says:
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.-Romans 1:25 KJV